Why Teletherapy?

Teletherapy services in north carolina


Our fast-paced lives can make it difficult to commit to consistent therapy sessions in a traditional face-to-face format.  We often hear the following from our clients:

·      I travel so much that when I’m home, I have too many other things that have to get done.

·      My employer isn’t flexible with work times.

·      I work too far away from your office to come during my lunch break.

·      I have a family member that I take care of that can’t be left alone.

·      I won’t have time to (pick up kids, make dinner, run errands, etc.) if I come at the end of my workday.

·      I don’t have a car and getting back and forth from sessions is expensive.

If any of these sound like you, teletherapy is an alternative to receive the care and support you need in a format that fits the demands of your life. 



We understand that starting therapy is a big step and, for some, it can be frightening.  Teletherapy can allow hesitant clients to “ease in” to the process while remaining in a setting that allows them to feel safe and secure.  As the relationship between you and your therapist grows, incorporating in-person sessions can be an opportunity for growth and practicing those skills you’ve been working on.