Parent-Child Interaction Therapy


what do you do when nothing seems to work?

Parenting is hard. And it’s work. There - we said it.

As toddlers grow into young children with increasing strength, mobility, awareness, and expression, this can also bring challenging behaviors and emotions. A visit to any bookstore (or Amazon!) offers dozens of titles about how to manage these challenges, and oftentimes it is effective.

But what happens when those strategies aren’t quite right for your child or your family? What happens when you’ve tried one thing after another, with limited improvement and you’re struggling to be the parent you want to be? Or when your child is involved in repeated incidents at school? It’s time for something more.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) focuses on building social skills, emotional regulation, and behavioral control through nurturing yet firm parenting practices. Parents are supported in real-time to facilitate a warm, supportive relationship while helping their child through challenging behaviors and reactions.

PCIT therapists undergo a rigorous training and certification process so you can be sure that you’re receiving the best care possible. By using earpieces and virtual observation, our PCIT therapist can provide coaching to parents while interacting with their child in the comfort of their own home.


PCIT is nationally recognized as an effective treatment for children exhibiting any of the following:

  • Frequent temper tantrums

  • Refusing to follow directions

  • Verbal and/or physical aggression

  • Destruction of toys or others’ belongings

  • Backtalking to adults

  • Whining or crying for no apparent reason

  • Hyperactivity

  • Interrupting others

  • Difficulty with behaviors at school, preschool and/or daycare


Check out these resources to learn more about PCIT:

PCIT International -

“All About Parent-Child Interaction Therapy” -

And when you’re ready to get started, we’re here.